

Leveraging technology, innovation, and human experiences to captivate your audience.

Higher Hog Education | Taste the Culture

#TV and Film


Location Audio, Boom Operation




SoundDevices Mixpre10II, Neumann KM185, Lectrosonics Lavalier Microphones

Featured Work, Film and TV Shows, Location Audio

2023 Nominee Vision Award | Digital Media – Short Form



Late 2021 marked the beginning of an exciting venture for ATAM Audio, as we joined forces with ECG Productions on an episode of Tru TV’s “Taste The Culture,” which later contended for a Vision Award. This wasn’t just another project for us; it was a chance to dive deep into the art of storytelling through sound, ensuring that every ingredient of this culinary tale was as vivid to the ear as it was to the palate.

Geared Up for Success

Armed with our top-notch equipment like the SoundDevices Mixpre10II, Neumann KM185 microphones, and Lectrosonics Lavelier Microphones, we set out to capture every nuanced sound. From the laughter shared between the show’s host, Justin Sutherland, and the local farmers to the natural ambiance of High Hog Farm in Grayson, GA, we were determined to record every detail with the utmost clarity. The episode presented us with a delightful challenge: to record pristine audio amidst the hustle and bustle of a working farm. The Georgia heat, the lively farm animals, and the outdoor setting tested our skills. Yet, we turned these challenges into opportunities, finding innovative ways to capture clear, crisp sound that would immerse viewers right into the scene.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
At the heart of our success was our collaboration with the ECG Productions team. Working closely with the camera crew, we orchestrated our efforts to ensure that the sound and visuals flowed seamlessly together. This synergy created an audiovisual experience that was not just heard but felt by the audience.

A Nod to Our Craft
The nomination of this episode for a 2023 Vision Award in Digital Media – Short Form is a proud moment for us. It acknowledges our behind-the-scenes artistry in location audio mixing and boom operation, highlighting our contribution to storytelling that engages and entertains.’


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